Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeVisionThe Value of Spiritual Vision

The Value of Spiritual Vision

One of the greatest grace gifts God has given is discernment, or insight; the ability to perceive something obscure or concealed, not readily apparent. Related, but even greater is spiritual vision; enlightenment or intuitive foresight. Such provides the ability to perceive beyond the surface, conceive an image of something, gain a revelation and come to clarity.

Creative people are strong in this area. People with strong measures of such gifts are typically called visionaries. While we may have different measures of such gifts, God has given all an ability to see and distinguish truth from error, discern good from bad. If that ability is impaired, normal functioning is limited. A hardened heart or closed mind will impair vision. Other impediments restricting discernment and vision are fear, willful disobedience and stubbornness.

Solomon, the man of great wisdom, addressed this issue from the standpoint of being able to appreciate the value of God’s word and gain revelation of truth. “Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]–blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he” (Proverbs 29:18 AMPLIFIED). Basically, not hearing truth or seeing what God is doing impairs one’s ability to function and progress in life, while attending to what He reveals brings blessing.


The children ofIsraelserve as God’s object lesson. God brought them to Himself and entered into covenant relationship with them. Yet they repeatedly had difficulty walking in faith and obeying God. Isaiah offered hope and spoke of a time when “the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness” (Isaiah 29:18). It would happen as they receive Messiah and see with new eyes of faith. Truly, the more we approach God with open minds and soft willing hearts, the more we see Christ, and discern truth through eyes of faith.

How can we prevent ourselves from having vision impaired? How can we be sure to see with spiritual eyes the things God is doing? The way is to move from self-centeredness to God and others-focused. The path leads one from indifference and apathy to interest and caring to passion and compassion.


Have you ever wondered how to see deeper beyond the surface, see further into the future, or discern truth with greater ability? You can! Talk to God about it. Ask God for great measures of the gift of discernment and spiritual vision. Be willing to respond and make adjustments to attitudes and your disposition as the LORD brings you to greater truths.


Ephesians 1:15-21