Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeTriumphant LifeGod Threads Needles with Grace to Create Amazing Testimonies!

God Threads Needles with Grace to Create Amazing Testimonies!

As God cultivates trusting faith in us and transforms us, He will present opportunities requiring precise obedience. As we listen attentively and respond, we will have opportunities to watch God thread needles of grace and create amazing testimonies that build faith.


I had a friend years ago who had a nominal job. He didn’t have a college degree, but had a beautiful wife and five young children to care for. He had a hunger for God and an eagerness to learn God’s ways. He loved to get together and discuss stories from the Bible.

He had a particular problem, though. Things were not going well with his work. He needed a better job—quickly. As I prayed for him, the thought of him being a “$100,000 man” came to me. I began calling him a “$100,000 man.” At first he laughed. He could barely put food on the table.

We worked on his resume so he could apply for a new job. After he felt comfortable with the resume, I asked him if he had made any copies to send out. Keep in mind this was way before the internet, in the days we used to mail out dozens—even hundreds—of resumes. I’ll never forget his response. He said the Holy Spirit impressed him to “just make one copy.” I thought, this man has faith!

How precise is God? How do you thread a needle? Just one resume? He waited on God—with the one copy of the resume. Within a week or so, he had a divine appointment with a business owner. Guess what? He got a new job. It didn’t pay much more than he had been earning, but he knew inside it was the right job. He began to learn new things. God was stretching him, cultivating his faithfulness.

Within a year or so he got a different job, applying the skills he had cultivated. After some time an opportunity came to start his own business. After being faithful in the business he landed a contract with a major national retail chain. He soon became the “$100,000 man.” As he continued to be faithful the Lord blessed his business exponentially. Many people ultimately were blessed in many ways through him.


Has God ever impressed you that what seems impossible is possible with Him? Keep the faith. Keep seeking His face. All things ARE possible with God. He loves to thread needles of grace. He just looks for mustard-size seeds of faith.


Matthew 13:31-32