Saturday, February 22, 2025

What is Truth?

In a world that says truth is relative, not absolute, and defines truth as what is right, or true in man’s eyes, the question always comes up, “what is truth?” You can research facts to no end, but some things are beyond interpretation or explanation; they are simply true because truth is what is real: it is actuality; what is actually happening or has happened; the real hidden cause beyond the outward effect.

Facts or evidence can be circumstantial. But truth goes beyond the facts. That’s why we have to dig to discover truth. Facts can be misleading. But you can trust in the truth.


The Bible records a dialogue between Pilate and Jesus. When asked if He was a king, Jesus said, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate replied, “What is truth?” He then said, “I find no fault in Him at al” (John 18:37-38).

Jesus chose His words carefully. In speaking the words, “for this cause” He was speaking of a deep truth; a truth that goes to the beginning of God’s cause in creating mankind. He life bore testimony—was God’s evidence—of TRUTH; His truth. His words represented truth.

Jesus had earlier made a profound statement: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) In this He said a lot! He is the way of truth; the truth of life; the true image, or representation of God. He perfectly represented the Father and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He lived life in spirit and truth. He represented the standard of measure of life in God.


As you seek truth, any truth, seek the LORD of truth; the LORD who is truth. His Spirit, the “Spirit of Truth” illuminates and reveals all truth.


John 14:15-17; 16:1-33