Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodGrowth in the LordExperiencing God’s Grace and Measures of His Capacity

Experiencing God’s Grace and Measures of His Capacity

God is always wanting to give us new insights to expand our vision and perspectives on life. Paul understood the nature of transition and transformation. He knew it takes a process of progressively turning from our fleshly nature to our spiritual nature; from relying on the capacity of our carnal human nature to that of God’s spiritual nature in us. As Paul revealed, “to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). How can you experience real transformation?

Genuine transformation begins with a shift in perspectives; from knowing about God through intellectual rational reasoning to knowing God through real and dynamic relational engagement empowered by His Spirit. Truly, relational God seeks to relate with us that way.


It’s all about shifting our focus from doing what the world impresses us to do, to becoming who God created us to be. When we choose to allow God to take control and conform us to the image of His Son, He enlarges our capacity to receive the things of His Spirit.

Truly, it is His Spirit that carries His capacity to reveal truth, wisdom and instruction to our heart. It is His Spirit that connects with our spirit in our inner soul to illuminate our vision, comfort our heart, and empower us to grow and walk in His capacity. God wants such a connection with Him! It’s a matter of acknowledging and desiring His works to work within us; then asking for it. “LORD, how manifold are Your works!” (Psalm 104:24).

The Holy Spirit will nurture your heart, cultivate spiritual vision and grow measures of His capacity in you to fashion you according to His likeness—His way. He knows how we are wired. He wants us to connect with His capacity—the gift of access to His awesome and amazing grace. It comes by faith. It’s His promise.

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:1-2).


How strong is your connection with the Holy Spirit? How can you tell?


John 14:26-27