Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodChildlike FaithThe Simplicity of Hearts of Childlike Faith

The Simplicity of Hearts of Childlike Faith

Something always strikes my heart when I read about the joy experienced by the people of the 1st century community of faith. They had childlike faith. They also had a simplicity of heart.

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people (Acts 2:46-47)


We see here how they possessed a beautiful state of not just simplicity or singleness of heart, but great innocence—the innocence of childlike faith—that produced great joy. Although the world around them was froth in great conflict, the love of God and presence of the Holy Spirit so stirred them that they were able to tune out the noise of the world and enjoy the sweet fresh presence of God.

Another thing they possessed was a sense of intimacy. They had intimate fellowship with God through times of prayer and devotion to the Word. They had intimate fellowship with one another through fellowship and sharing meals. They weren’t caught up with comparing themselves with one another. They weren’t caught up with feelings of guilt, shame or condemnation. They simply enjoyed the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit and comradery with one another.

Another crucial thing they possessed was something small children possess: a great sense of discovery. If you’ve ever watched small children play you can see how they get enamored with discovering new things. They love to handle objects new to them with a zeal to discover the qualities and characteristics of the object. They touch, smell, taste, lift, throw and just look intently with a sense of awe at the shape, flexibility, bounce and feel of new objects.

Our Heavenly Father loves it when we approach new things like that. After all, He is a Creator. He loves to create new things that will catch our attention. He loves to show up in things like a bush that burns yet is not consumed. He loves it when we search out the meaning of His Word or seek Him to understand why things happen as they do. He loves to watch us engage with others to discover things about one another. He loves it when we easily trust His love and faithfulness.



How would you describe your sense of discovery?

How does God reveal new things to you?

How do you search the scriptures to learn of God?



Matthew 18:1-9; Acts 2:42-47; 2 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 11:1-4