Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodHonorThe Honor of Being Responsible

The Honor of Being Responsible

The LORD administers His kingdom, delegating responsibility to those faithful to Him. He has concern for His name, His ways and His cause. He watches over us, even when we seem to be unaware of it. One man He found faithful was David. He watched him tend the flock his father entrusted in his care. David gained God’s approval, and was promoted to king. Even beyond, he foreshadowed the way of Messiah.


David knew the LORD. He served God first and foremost. In all he did, He acted with a sense of responsibility to the LORD. He, therefore, approached others discerning their position before God. He considered their heart; much the way God did his.

“Oh, love the LORD, all you His saints!
For the LORD preserves the faithful,
And fully repays the proud person.
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All you who hope in the LORD.”
(Psalm 31:23-24)

It is an honor to serve God. It, therefore, behooves us to examine our heart and discern what God might see. Only God, however, truly knows the state of our heart. He looks, though, for us to care enough to come clean before Him and be true to Him.


As you examine your work and efforts, likewise ask God to examine your heart. He will pour out grace to help you reflect more of His nature so that the fruit you bear will bring Him honor and glory.


Matthew 24:45-51; 25:14-30