Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeFreedom & WholenessConscienceReceive the Grace of a Clear Conscience

Receive the Grace of a Clear Conscience

God built in us two beautiful mechanisms of self-regulation: the conscience and will. They work together, cross-linking our heart and mind; or spirit and soul. Together they help us walk in God’s grace and self control—a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The conscience regulates right and wrong. It’s our moral compass. The will controls behavior and action. Both require the lubrication– or grace– of God’s Holy Spirit, so to say, to function in God’s order. So, when our conscience is impaired we will function with a limited capacity. Therefore, our ability to function in sync with God’s best for us is limited. So, we can walk in God’s grace but short of God’s best. This is why Paul exhorts us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).


David wrestled between his spirit/heart and soul/mind more than any character of record in the Bible. His Psalms bear witness to this. The thing about David that God appreciated was his soft heart and open mind. As he allowed his heart to receive truth from God’s Spirit, he was (more than less) able to allow his conscience to process God’s truth and submit to God’s will.

A hardened heart and closed mind, on the other hand, makes it difficult for the conscience to process truth. This creates the strong-willed individual who has difficulty perceiving, discerning and responding to God’s love and truth. An open mind and soft heart allows God to work in you “both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).


How do you allow your conscience to receive and process truth?

How do you allow your conscience to influence your will?


2 Samuel 24:10; Psalm 77:6; Titus 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:5-6