Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeWisdom of GodTapping into God’s Well of Wisdom

Tapping into God’s Well of Wisdom

How can we truly tap into the wisdom of God? While Solomon has given us many pearls of wisdom in Proverbs, one scripture I frequently meditate on is this one in Isaiah.

“Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times,
And the strength of salvation;
The fear of the LORD is His treasure.”
(Isaiah 33:6)

God revealed to Isaiah that He cared about our welfare, and would provide wisdom to be applied in various situations and for a variety of circumstances; and the result of following His wisdom would bring strength to sustain stability, victory and prosperity. The one requirement to being dispensed God’s pearls of wisdom was walking in the fear of the LORD: holy reverence and awe towards Him.


Isaiah had an opportunity to view real issues of life through telescopic vision. God spoke to him about present and future events. In some cases, the future events were near and imminent; in others very distant. In fact like many other prophetic writers, he saw and related to issues which would be relevant and have meaning for multiple or parallel situations. One such scripture which often comes to mind is Isaiah 11:1-2.

“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”

On the one hand these seven Spirit’s (of the Holy Spirit) pertain to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. On the other hand, they also refer to ALL the SEED of Jesse—or his son David; all those that are of the seed of like faith and like heart (see Psalm 89 for details).


What sources of wisdom do you look to? Ask God to fill you with the fullness of His Spirit–the Spirit of the Lord, wisdom and understanding, counsel, might and knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.


Isaiah 53:10-12