Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeWisdom of GodAlignment and RhythmSpiritual Alignment Can Bring God's Solutions to Life

Spiritual Alignment Can Bring God’s Solutions to Life

To understand the values of spiritual alignment, we can look at different types of alignment. In the human body, for instance, alignment determines our physical stability, mobility and functionality. We know that there are various systems in our body, and each plays a part in determining our overall health.

In the workplace, alignment determines the condition of the entity. For instance, an organization’s people, policies and processes work in rhythm to serve its purposes and achieve its goals. The degree to which those key elements are integrated and working in harmony and rhythm determines its ability to effectively and efficiently fulfill it purposes. Alignment is measured through various metrics and provides guidance relating to the entity’s stability, functionality and flexibility to adapt to market conditions and prosper.

In relationships—specifically marriage—alignment is paramount. If our values, vision and passions are in alignment and flowing in love, two partners can experience the joys of living and leading a life together. It’s when these key life variables are out of alignment that relationships break down. So, learning and applying the keys to assessing, maintaining and adjusting these variables brings true happiness and joy to a relationship—and life in general.  

One aspect of alignment we are familiar with relates to the vehicle we drive. The mechanic adjusts or calibrates the suspension framework, so the vehicle drives smoothly, straight and true. Three views are evaluated: a front view measures the inward or outward tilt from the vertical center of the wheel; a view from above measures the horizontal turn or toe of the tire; a view from the side measures the steering axis to balance the vehicle’s steering, stability, and cornering ability.


There are spiritual parallels to each of these aspects of alignment. You can say each of the above can be a parable teaching us spiritual principles of life. Truly, the aspect of our life we too often neglect is our spiritual alignment. Yet this aspect of our life is more crucial than most people realize. It determines the health and continuity of our life from a higher and eternal perspective—God’s perspective. Spiritual alignment, therefore, plays more of a part than most people think in keeping all of the above aspects of our life in alignment.

This is because we are created in God’s image and likeness. Image relates to the state of our being. Likeness relates to the state of our doing and functioning. God created us with a spirit, soul, and body. So, our spiritual alignment measures and determines the state of our connectedness to our Creator, His higher sovereign power, and way of moving and functioning, or living our life—“in earth as it is in heaven”—or for the here and now, and for eternity.

Spiritual alignment, therefore, relates to the condition of our spiritual being, our soul: our heart and mind; conscience and will. It affects how we relate to God, and fellow man; what we do and how we do it. Spiritual alignment relates to the higher matters of life; our state of inner peace and harmony with God and the world around us: who we are; what we do; how we function and flow. Maintaining good alignment, therefore, encompasses continuous assessment and adjustments. David, the man after God’s own heart, continuously sought the Lord on such matters.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

   — Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT)


Spiritual alignment brings us many real benefits. The more we are properly aligned with God, the more our spirit rules the soul—for our good and God’s glory. Therefore, we can grow and advance towards our utmost capacities for His higher purposes and glory—in earth and for eternity.

So, the more we yield to God’s Word and invite the Holy Spirit to search our heart, the more we can settle issues that stir us so we can rule over our sinful and weak tendencies, our thoughts, desires and emotions. This is how we allow God to bring His peace to things that cause fear, uncertainty and doubt; tension, anxiety and depression. Then, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ” (Philippians 4:7).

People desire peace—true peace. What does God’s peace, though, look like? The writer of Hebrews says a mouthful for us to chew on and digest. “But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation…’’ (Hebrews 6:9). What better things could he be referring to?

For starters, consider a profound declaration Jesus makes: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). We may have different definitions or ideas, however, on what life more abundantly encompasses. But what God considers life more abundantly is what matters most!

Spiritual alignment, therefore, brings us into better rhythm with our Creator, God. It provides many answers helping us see what better and higher things God has in store for us. It, likewise, brings God’s solutions to life that we experience what God considers life more abundantly.


How has the Holy Spirit been prompting you to think differently about some things?

What adjustments has the Holy Spirit been impressing you to make in your attitudes or values?