Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeSpiritual WarfareSeeing the Reality of Spiritual Strongholds

Seeing the Reality of Spiritual Strongholds

People often wonder why they feel resistance; why they have difficulty accomplishing tasks or achieving goals, or even relating with certain people. In many cases, there is a real spiritual battle to engage in.

In 2 Corinthians 10 Paul relates how to fight spiritual warfare by demolishing strongholds, casting down vain imaginations and thoughts above the knowledge of God and bringing our thoughts into compliance with God’s truths. What does he mean, though, about strongholds?

God’s word first refers to strongholds with a simple Hebrew phrase used five times in the Bible: asher atah batah. It means: in which you trust. Strongholds represent thought patterns, philosophies and systems in which, consciously or subconsciously, one places greater trust in than God. They typically encompass partial truths, but in reality, are founded on falsehoods.


Strongholds typically have their origin in cultural, political and religious norms. While they usually enter our lives through external sources, may it be our family, culture or environment they become an integral part of our mindset. As they gain a foothold, they are things in which we subtly place greater affinity or identification than God. They are therefore, controlling thoughts that constrain us. They hold us back and restrain freedom and growth. They are secured by lies and administered by the forces of darkness from hell.

Overcoming strongholds requires discernment and being honest with self. It takes courage to see where lies and falsehoods have taken root and influenced our life. It takes faith to overcome external intimidation, pressures, fears and cultural norms. It takes bringing those thoughts that are contrary to God’s word and character into compliance and alignment with His Kingdom way and truths—which will set us free!


Put yourself in Joshua’s shoes. Read and meditate on Joshua 5-8. Ask God about the wall facing you. Be prepared to respond as Joshua did.

Also read Mark 11:22-24. Ask God about what kind of faith overcomes mountains. Beware, though; strongholds are not easily identified or demolished. They take years to build up and often take seasons “marching around the wall” as God directs before He says it’s time for them to be demolished.

He knows when our faith and will are ready; when we are ready to seize and keep the spoil! His GRACE is sufficient to demolish strongholds and give us victory; but victory is not cheap. It is conditional on our willingness to totally trust God, empty ourselves of some things we value and hold in high regard, allow God to reframe and refocus our thinking and retrain our mind and heart according to Christ’s.


Mark 11:23; James 1:12-18; Joshua 5:13-8:35