Wednesday, January 22, 2025
HomeWisdom of GodAuthority and LeadershipRuling and Reigning: Reality of Administering God’s Grace and Justice

Ruling and Reigning: Reality of Administering God’s Grace and Justice

Much has been debated about our authority to “rule and reign with Christ.” Only in the fear of the LORD can we approach the subject. Truly, we can be in a position to reign, but only in and under God’s authority can we rule—administer and exercise the grace and justice of His kingdom.


God grants authority in spheres of influence. He intends for those submitted to Him to walk as His children as light and salt, exercising His authority over the powers of darkness that rule over the minds of those walking in submission to its authority—walking in deception.

The key issue is knowing your measure of authority; and knowing how to walk in it. Scripture discloses how David “administered judgment and justice” (2 Samuel 8:15). David’s predecessor Saul ruled as king; but God had stripped his authority from him due to his disrespect towards God, disdain for His Word and disobedience to His instruction.

David (prefiguring Messiah) and his seed—those embracing Christ’s headship, have been appointed as ambassadors of the Kingdom, and upon ratifying God’s covenant in deed and truth, are delegated authority to serve according to the counsel of His will.


Think about those you have seen in positions of authority. How have they walked in and handled their authority? What has been the fruit of their “reigning”? How would you characterize their character?

Chew and meditate upon the references below. Ask God to reveal to you truth concerning authority and administering the true justice of His kingdom. He may give you assignments over time to prove your character. He will bring you back to these scriptures as well as others. Be patient as God nurtures you through His Word and Holy Spirit.


2 Corinthians 5:16-2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 John 3:16-24; Ephesians 1:7-23; John 14-17