Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeWalking in the LordParticipating the Intentional and Purposeful Work of God

Participating the Intentional and Purposeful Work of God

It never ceases to amaze me how God works with such intentionality and purpose. He doesn’t do anything that’s random or without a deliberate purpose. He wants us to see the bigger picture.

Sometimes we act in random ways, not able to see the bigger picture and how things are working out for good or for a particular purpose. Sometimes we think we have it all figured out. God lets us think we are in control–or totally out of control– until He allows us to see how He orchestrates events, situations, circumstances, relationships and resources for His ultimate purposes that will bring Him great honor and glory.

It’s the incredible thing about life. I’m convinced God has placed us in the earth to enjoy watching us try to unravel life. Whether we think we are the master of our destiny or don’t have a clue– God truly takes pleasure in watching us go the motions of life to draw us near and bring us into relationship and fellowship with Him. He wants us to relate with Him so that we will participate in His plans. We may not always see it that way. Our challenge, therefore, is bringing Him into the equation– so He will be glorified.


Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would come into real union with Him. Paul took up His cause and encouraged people to be united with God through Christ. He related how being buried with Christ through baptism into death, as He was raised in glory, we likewise should “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

The challenge before all believers is growing into the new nature to realize the power of the new nature. Paul continued the discussion in Romans 6, talking about walking dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ. He puts it pretty bluntly, that believers should be able to be liberated from the power of sin.

The reality is we go through a process of change called transformation. As we yield to God’s deliberate working in us through the Holy Spirit, He transforms us progressively, cultivating more and more of His nature in us. Our part is the yielding and changing as He re-creates His nature in us.

Paul referred to this work of the Holy Spirit as the “ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). In the same manner as we reconcile our checkbook with the bank’s records, we deliberately reconcile our attitudes, thoughts and behavior with God. The aim is coming into alignment–even congruence–with Him.

That’s what being united with Christ is about. That’s how we express the fruit of the Spirit and experience the new life in Christ through the Spirit.


How have you noticed God working intentionally and deliberately in you?

How have you responded?

Can you notice differences between when you respond appropriately and not?


Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 2 Peter 1:5-11