Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodGlory in the LordKnowing God in a Higher and Deeper Way

Knowing God in a Higher and Deeper Way

Knowing God is a challenge. We live in an information age where knowledge abounds. It is stored throughout the cloud, or internet, and easily accessible. Yet there is a rare kind of knowledge—wisdom—that was once sought by kings and handsomely paid for. Its Source was– and still is– beyond the clouds. It comes from knowing God intimately.

How do you seek the Source today…with such intentionality and intensity? God wonders. It’s a big issue for Him. “God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God” (Psalm 53:2).


In as much as we have vast reservoirs of information and knowledge, the world is desperately in need of solutions for countless crucial issues. It is shaking violently, and everyone knows it.

God waits, though, for people to want His wisdom—His knowledge and solutions; and implement things His way. Unfortunately, the nature of our humanity is to think we know what we need to know—even about God. Paul, however, when visiting the city of Athens—the center of knowledge, philosophy and religion in his day—observed a sight that caused him to marvel. He noticed an altar with the inscription, “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD” (Acts 17:23).

It startled him. He perceived their religious interest; but also ignorance and faulty or blind devotion. They didn’t know what or who they really worshiped. Why? Their religious beliefs and practices were marred with syncretism: the mixture of God’s Word with worldly philosophies, mythology, superstition and forms of godliness. In fact, there were several popular streams of syncretistic religious forms.

We live in an era not too different than the one Paul lived in. Syncretism is rampant. New Age thoughts and practices, as well as a political-social correctness, have influenced how many people view, approach and perceive God—or in many cases, a god.

Many people wonder, where is God? Does God care? God does care. He watches and waits. He waits for things to get to a certain point—a tipping point, you might say. He waits patiently… in His love. As He does, He works in us. So embrace some words of grace and encouragement.

When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly” (Psalm 75:2).

God allows circumstances to get to a point where people will grope for—or intensely seek—Him. This was the message Paul conveyed to the Athenians.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him” (Acts 17:26-27).

The thing is, God wants people to know Him in a greater way; a way this generation has not known Him. Consider the way He wanted to be known by Moses; and related to the Hebrew people: “I AM WHO I AM.” The Hebrew words used are simply, ehyeh asher ehyeh, meaning, I will be that I will be.

This name conveys who God is, and who God will be to those who believe in trusting faith. It conveys:

  • The eternal, self-sustaining, Sovereign nature of God;
  • God will be for you the Source to meet your needs according to the abundant riches of His glory pouring out in His love, grace and truth;
  • As God was in the past, God is today and will be in the future and for all eternity.

Yes, it’s a mystery and a mouthful. But it’s a blessing to know that there is immense unending grace in His name—if you can see it and receive it. The prophet, Zechariah, spoke a huge message when he proclaimed:

So I will strengthen them in the Lord,

And they shall walk up and down in His name,”

Says the Lord.

— Zechariah 10:12

The phrase, “up and down” derives from the Hebrew root word, halak, with conveys a sense of walking in the realization of a broad latitude of dimensions of grace ascribed to God’s name. David spoke of such a walk when reflecting on the Lord’s awesome faithfulness; “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord…the Lord upholds him with His hand” (Psalm 37:23-24).

It in essence, speaks of a walk of confidence and inner strength—in Him—experiencing the abundance of God’s goodness, lovingkindness, faithfulness, presence; or shalom—His peace, wholesomeness and glory—which is found in mysterious but amazing ways in the huge latitude of His name!

This is the very abundance of God’s grace that was poured out upon the 1st century believers as they were strengthened in their faith in Messiah Jesus. They experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit in a variety of ways. They experienced His glory.

God poured out His love, light and life and advanced forward His purposes among these believers who grasped hold of the reality of the wholeness of God’s nature and engaged in real-time relationship with God.


Are you groping? How might you reach higher and go deeper? Has God shown you a way to pivot forward towards His higher purposes—for His glory?


Philippians 3:12-16