Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodBlessings of GodHow Faith Connects with Blessings

How Faith Connects with Blessings

God revealed some simple keys to understanding His way of faith and walking in blessings through Abraham. The Bible says in Genesis 15:6 that because Abraham believed in the LORD, it was accounted to him for righteousness. How did Abraham cultivate such unique faith in God? He was a person with a simple heart of childlike faith!


In Genesis 12 we are told the story about how God instructed Abraham to leave his homeland and embark on a journey toward a place God would later reveal. The narrative emphasizes how Abraham heard God’s voice and acted.

It’s interesting to note that there is no verse between God’s charge in Genesis 12:3 and Abraham’s action in verse 4. He simply heard God’s voice, embraced His instructions by faith, and acted. He didn’t try to rationalize. He left the details to God. Nothing restrained him. He didn’t doubt, hesitate or waiver. Abraham exhibited a simple pliable and responsive heart.

Shortly thereafter, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” Immediately Abraham built an altar to worship God. Observe his character: God spoke, and Abraham quickly responded—in faith, gratefulness, obedience, and reverence towards God. He had a simple heart of childlike faith and worshiped in spirit and truth long before Jesus ever talked about it!


Consider how Abraham responded to God. In what ways might you better respond to God? What kind of adjustments can you make to better respond in like manner as Abraham?


Genesis 12:1-7; 22:1-18