Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeFreedom & WholenessDisciplineHow Discipline Preserves Us for God’s Greatest Blessings

How Discipline Preserves Us for God’s Greatest Blessings

We don’t often feel like God is with us. Why, we wonder, does it seem God sends us off into the world to fend for ourselves? Why does it seem we have to go through hard trials, pain and suffering? What happened to all the blessings we thought God would bestow upon us? He knows these things train us to value and appreciate the greatest blessings He has in store for us!


I’ve often dreamed of having things I thought were good, and going places I thought I would enjoy. So I purchased them, or worked hard for them. We all do. One such thing I thought at one time would be a great blessing was a country club membership. After it consumed more of my money and time than I had, however, I couldn’t sell it fast enough! It didn’t take long for God to change my values and priorities.

The Bible tells a story of a dream Jacob once had. He saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder extending from earth to heaven. God promised him an inheritance reserved for Him; then stated, “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you” (Genesis 28:15).

It took a long journey marked with great conflicts and trials over the course of many years, but God performed His word. Jacob did in fact return to the land of his inheritance. He returned as a changed man of strong character and faith. He learned God’s ways and could be entrusted with much. Such a journey of faith and obedience ultimately validated his new identity in God. He was given a new name—Israel—and positioned to be a father and lead the twelve children who ultimately became the twelve tribes of Israel.


What good fruits of God’s discipline can you attest to in your life?

How can you see God fashioning and preparing you for greater blessings?


Genesis 50:20-21