Tuesday, January 28, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeForgivenessForgiving When it’s Difficult

Forgiving When it’s Difficult

We’ve all been hurt. Hurt people hurt people. It’s a chain that never seems to end. Yet as painful as our hurt may be, and as difficult as it may be to forgive our worst offenders and enemies, the unforgiveness we retain in our heart holds a grip on us that keeps areas of our heart hard, searing our conscience and keeping us blinded in bitterness to opportunities of grace. Forgiveness loosens the grip on you, setting you free to see life from a wider perspective; and experience the greater joys life offers. In addition, forgiveness softens your heart so you can empathize with others, and frees you to have compassion on those needing to experience God’s love.


A key to forgiving is found in allowing God to exercise His role of life’s ultimate judge. As Creator, He knows ALL. Nothing is hidden from Him. I once debated with God regarding some areas of great pain for me. How could I forgive those who caused my greatest nightmare, betrayed me and allowed me to be robbed and plundered?

It became easier when I heard two things; one a quote from the Bible, and another a word from the Holy Spirit. The word from the Bible was one Jesus uttered on the cross toward the crowd of accusers and betrayers, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34). The other was “I know the score.” It made me think—God knew the whole story; my story, the deeper and hidden truths. It took me a while to forgive, but I handed my list of grievances—the score—to Jesus to let Him be the ultimate judge; for I knew my ultimate redemption was in His hands as well.

One thing we easily ignore is the fact that forgiveness doesn’t mean that we deny or minimize the truth, the other person’s actions, responsibility or guilt. It simply means we hand off judgment to God and free our self from the shackles of unforgiveness that bind us and hold back His greater hand of favor and redemption.


Write down your unforgiveness inventory: your list of people who have hurt you and things done to you. Then offer it up to God. Let it be your sacrifice. Then feel His peace…and await His redemption.


Romans 12:1; Philippians 4:6