Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeKnowing GodFavor of GodExperiencing Favor for Wisdom

Experiencing Favor for Wisdom

The world’s counsel and wisdom is readily accessible on the internet, in books, through seminars and every imaginable source. What may seem to be popular opinion, however, will often lead you to emptiness; and even folly. Solomon, once noted for being the world’s wisest and most successful person spoke a lot on the subject. He saw much vanity in the thoughts and works of man, and therefore, offered pearls of wisdom. “For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God” (Ecclesiastes 5:7).


Solomon was a man of great intellectual capacity. He asked God for wisdom and was blessed with it. He built the most glorious temple for God and entertained the world’s rulers with his wisdom. He learned that walking in the fear of the LORD and seeking God’s wisdom daily was the key to finding favor with God and man.

“Hear instruction and be wise,
And do not disdain it.
Blessed is the man who listens to me,
Watching daily at my gates,
Waiting at the posts of my doors.
For whoever finds me finds life,
And obtains favor from the LORD;
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
All those who hate me love death.”
(Proverbs 8:33-36)

Seeking God’s wisdom will present you with an interesting challenge. It will cause you to make decisions and walk in a way against the grain of the world. People will often find you peculiar, not popular. If you stand on God’s word and walk in His ways, however, you will experience times of great favor when you least expect it.

I once got a call from a CEO asking why I couldn’t just tell clients what I was told to say. Years later, that same CEO went on telling clients how “Harvey knows how to make people who hate us love us.”

“The king’s favor is toward a wise servant, but his wrath is against him who causes shame” (Proverbs 14:35).


Have you ever been in a place going with the current, sensing it is flowing the wrong way? How does it make you feel? Ask God for strength and stamina to go and persevere His way.


Proverbs 13:14-16