Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeLiving the New LifeValuesDistinguishing Between Cultural and Heavenly Kingdom Values

Distinguishing Between Cultural and Heavenly Kingdom Values

Your values define you; what motivates you, your character, behavioral traits, priorities and beliefs—what you project to the world. They form your standards and set your goals, serving as your moral compass, influencing your thought processes and path in life.

Your values also establish your ability to function in society and relate with others—even God. Yes, God cares greatly about our values! They reveal to Him the state of our heart; our ability to trust Him, follow and obey His ways and instruction and serve Him. In reality, they reveal the level to which He can trust us; for in His eyes, life is about stewardship.


The values we cultivate early in life begin to set our course. They constitute our social, moral, economic, political and religious views. They establish our framework and frame of reference relating to all we think and do.

The big question is—what values does God really care about? The answers will always surprise you! God had me focus on this for two years before allowing me to journey down a path which would end up clearly revealing that many of my values were incongruous with His; in spite of my years of religious instruction and affiliations, “normal” middle class upbringing and undergraduate/post graduate college years.

The thing is our values and even perceptions of God’s values are framed through our cultural lenses and constructs. God would have us apprehend Kingdom values—which are NOT religious values. That was a key point Jesus set out to establish. He talked more about the Kingdom of God than any other subject. And who did He have the most difficulty connecting with? The religious leaders, lawyers and teachers of the Law! The sooner we come to grips with Kingdom values, the sooner our lives will come into true alignment with God; for then we will be able to walk with God. This, I believe, is the greatest mission of discipleship.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8).


Begin a list of your values. Keep it in an accessible place of your journal. Expect it to change and grow in time. Earnestly seek God about Kingdom values. Ask Him to reveal the difference between cultural values and Kingdom values. Remember, GRACE is a free gift.


Matthew 6:33; 19:24; Mark 1:14; 10:13-25; Luke 8:10; 13:24-30; John 3:3-5; Acts 14:22