Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeFreedom & WholenessFreedom in GodAppreciating the Lord’s Release from Bondage

Appreciating the Lord’s Release from Bondage

Bondage comes in many forms. Some things keep us in constraint by restraining our freedom externally. The most subtle forms of bondage, however, are the things that bind and blind us internally; like bad attitudes, unforgiveness, pride and lust for things. The Bible calls these things sin.

Fortunately, the blood of Jesus was shed to release you from ALL forms of bondage. He is the Light of life that shines in darkness. His light shines through the power of His Word and Spirit being released into a situation. As Creator, God conceives a plan and commands light—grace and truth—to shine into the conscience of man. We then have opportunity to make choices; receive or reject His truth—the way to freedom.


Jesus came to “bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37). He proclaimed, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). In receiving His truth we are set free.

Freedom in God’s eyes is a total discharge—a genuine release and relief from the heavy burdens of sin. It marks the beginning of new things God initiates. He puts the past behind us, and prepares us for a new season of grace.

We have the opportunity to receive His grace and release, and go forward—pressing towards God’s upward call. In order to experience a new sense of liberty we have to let go of things of the past; things that weigh us down. We may also have to break free of barriers or constraints; things that restrain our moving about or being able to receive new things and new opportunities from God so we can advance forward in life. One form of constraint is unforgiveness. It blinds us in bitterness as we judge others. It holds us back from receiving measures of God’s grace.


What bondages might God be looking to set you free from?

Do you see opportunities for new things God may be doing in your life?

Do you see new resources, new ground for you to possess?

Do you hear heaven’s call to bring liberty and greater joy into your life?

What may be holding you back from receiving God’s promises?


Hebrews 6:9-12; 2 Peter 1